The following describes the security measures we take to protect your information on the Internet
Red Rhino uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure transmissions.
TLS is one of the most important and widely used security protocols.
It protects a significant proportion of the data that gets transmitted online.
It’s most prominently used to secure the data that travels between a web browser and website via HTTPS,
but it can also be used to secure email and a host of other protocols.
TLS is valuable because it ensures the other party in a connection is who they say they are,
shows whether data retains its initial integrity, and provides confidentiality through encryption.
TLS applies encryption between two communicating applications, such as your PC
and our Internet server. When your data is transmitted
over the Internet, it is encrypted or "scrambled" at
the sending end and then decrypted or "unscrambled" at
the receiving end.
Encryption Definition
Encryption is a technology that allows secure transmittal of information
along the Internet by encoding the transmitted data using a mathematical
formula that scrambles it. Without a corresponding "decoder," the transmission
would look like nonsense text and would be unusable. It can be used
with many applications, including electronic commerce (sending credit
card numbers for orders or transmitting account information), email
messages and sensitive documents.
Basic encryption involves the transmission of data from one party to another.
The sender encodes the data by scrambling it, then sends it on. The receiver
must decode the data with the correct "decoder" in order to read and use it.
Cookie Definition
A cookie is a small piece of information which is created by a web
server during a user's visit to a web site. If you configure your
web browser to alert you regarding the presence of cookies, you
may receive a notice that a web server wishes to set a cookie.
There are two kinds of cookies "persistent" and "transient".
Persistent cookies,
which remain on the hard drive of your personal computer, are not used by Red Rhino.
Transient cookies,
which are not stored on your
hard drive, are not available to anyone other than Red Rhino.
Transient cookies contain information that identifies you and allows
you to navigate Red Rhino from one page to another without requiring
you to log in again on each page. When you leave Red Rhino, or when
your session expires, the transient cookies expire.
To access some information on Red Rhino, you'll have to set your
browser to enable cookies.